Your pediatrician will describe each step of the exam. When you give to Children's Colorado, you're helping us to reimagine children's health through patient care, education, research and advocacy. This period of transition involves important physical and emotional changes. Systemic illnesses that can cause vulvovaginitis include measles, varicella,scarlet fever, mononucleosis, Kawasaki disease and Crohn's disease. In some cases, nonspecific vulvovaginitis may be caused by carrying viral infections from coughing into the hands directly to the abraded vulvar epithelium. Hymens in newborns are estrogenized, resulting in a thick, pink, elastic redundancy. Dr. Appiah also reviews the expert consensus position statements that provide guidance on how providers should care for this population, including informing patients about options for fertility preservation and future reproduction prior to treatment. Tell the child that the examination willnot hurt, and if you are going to use instruments, that these tools areall specially designed for little girls.1Let the child look atand touch the instruments to be used, such as an otoscope or a hand lens.When talking with parents, it is important to carefully explain that thechild's hymen will not be altered in any way by the examination, becausemany parents do not fully understand the anatomy of the vagina and hymen.Basic diagrams of the anatomy may be helpful. EMANS is Chief, Adolescent Division, Children's Hospital, and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston. Having a relationship with a pediatric gynecologist can help girls take . Join Childrens Hospital Colorado pediatric experts for a virtual Were passionate about providing answers, treatment and care for the full range of female reproductive health concerns, from infancy through adolescence and into adulthood. An adolescent gynecology exam is done to help make sure that your reproductive organs and system are healthy. There are both physiologic and behavioral reasons why a child is susceptible to vulvar infection. The vagina is 4 to 6 cm long , and the secretions in a prepubertal child have a neutral or slightly alkaline pH . Addressing the Youth Mental Health Crisis, Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Fertility Preservation and Reproductive Late Effects Program, Mayer-Rokitansky-Kster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome, Insurance, billing and payment information. Most pediatric visits are preventive in nature, but the pediatric gynecologic visit is usually problem oriented . Speculums and instruments that might frighten a child or parent should be within drawers or cabinets and out of sight during the evaluation. Common Indications for Pelvic Examination in the Adolescent, Clinical Features of Children Presenting With Vulvovaginitis. Because the pubertal changes are often a cause of concern for adolescent girls and their parents, the gynecologist must offer the adolescent patient an empathetic, kind, knowledgeable, and gentle approach. Our specialists are nationally ranked and globally recognized for delivering the best possible care in pediatrics. Rectoabdominal exam. Emphasize setting the stage to make the examinationa positive experience for your young patient. The lesions are often mistaken for bacterial cellulitis or lesions associated with other viral infections, such as herpes simplex virus. A patient with signs of trauma, such as abrasions, lacerations, or contusions,should be evaluated for suspected sexual abuse. Pokorny has described another method for collecting fluid from a childs vagina using a catheter within a catheter ( ). Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy may heighten risk of preterm birth, pregnancy loss. Symptoms of vulvovaginitis can occur if an adhesionis extensive enough to cause pooling of urine above the agglutinated tissue.If that is the case, a child may have symptoms of urethritis or a historyof urinary tract infections. The Pelvic Exam - Stanford Medicine 25 - YouTube Office evaluation of the child and adolescent. Stanford ENT Free Oral Screening November 2nd. Slang terminology for speculums among teens includes the threatening label the clamp. Teens should be assured that although the examination may include mild discomfort, it should not be painful . After inspection of the vagina and cervix, vaginal secretions may be obtained for microscopic examination and culture (the technique is described later). Prep for OSCEs! Most such traumas involve straddle injuries. In this video, adolescent gynecologist Eliza Buyers, MD, reviews the pathophysiology and diagnosis of PCOS in adolescent patients. The device is commercially availableas the Pediatric Vaginal Aspirator from Cook Ob/Gyn (Spencer, IN.). Dr. Ahmed Darwish - Pediatrics: General Examination - YouTube Examination of the Female Genitourinary System. Different positions for performing a gynecologic examination on a child. Bacterial causes include group A, b-hemolyticStreptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, Branhamellacatarrhalis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, and Shigella.Sexually transmitted infections include Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydiatrachomatis, herpes simplex virus, Trichomonas, and human papillomavirus.It is important to note that these organisms also can be vertically transmittedat birth and herpes can be transmitted by nonsexual contact. Young children may be examined in the frog leg position, and children as young as 2 to 3 years of age may be examined in the lithotomy position with use of stirrups, although this is generally used for girls aged 4 to 5 years and older. The components of a complete pediatric examination include a history, inspection with visualization of the external genitalia and noninvasive visualization of the vagina and cervix, and, if necessary, a rectal examination ( ). Treatment of lichen sclerosus consists of eliminationof irritants, improved hygiene, application of barrier ointments, and administrationof oral hydroxyzine hydrochloride before bed to minimize scratching. One method is to use the knee-chest position (see Fig. These patients require immunology or rheumatology consultations to prevent more serious and chronic autoimmune conditions, such as Behcets syndrome. Vulvovaginitis in children may also be caused by a variety specific pathogens such as group A or group B b-hemolytic streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, and Shigella boydii ; Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis, and Chlamydia trachomatis may also be responsible in cases associated with abuse but are significantly less common. Using this approach for a 2-week period should resolve most symptoms in patients with nonspecific vulvovaginitis. Forunusually persistent cases, it is appropriate to prescribe a 10-day trialof antibiotics (amoxicillin, amoxicillin-clavulanate, or a cephalosporin)or occasionally a two- to three-week course of an estrogen cream. Pokorny SF: Configuration of the prepubertal hymen. Using a hand mirror can be usefulto promote education, distract a child, and allow her to participate moreactivelyin the examination. This easily assembled adaptation uses a No. The differential diagnosis of persistent or recurrent vulvovaginitis not responsive to treatment should include considerations of a foreign body, primary vulvar skin disease (allergic or contact dermatitis), ectopic ureter, and child abuse. Adolescence is the period of life during which an individual physically matures and begins to transition psychologically from a child into an adult . At the 44th National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners Conference, guidelines for prescribing oral contraceptives were discussed. Intestinal parasitic invasion with pruritus. Recurrent vulvovaginitis, persistent bleeding, suspicion of a foreign body or neoplasm, and congenital anomalies may be indications to perform a vaginoscopy and examine the inside of the vagina. Before puberty, the girls reproductive organs are in a resting, dormant state. Viscous lidocaine and warmsaline for irrigation through an IV set-up may be helpful when examininga child who has an acute straddle injury and bleeding. The introduction of any instrument into the vagina of a young child takes skillful patience. For girls olderthan 2 years, the knee-chest position also permits excellent visualizationof the vagina and cervix without instrumentation.3 If necessary,an experienced examiner or pediatric gynecologist may use a small vaginoscope,cystoscope, hysteroscope, or flexible fiberoptic scope with water insufflationof the vagina to improve visualization. If you suspect candidal vulvovaginitis, obtain apotassium hydroxide (KOH) preparation; a Gram stain may be useful if thedischarge is purulent. Genital Exam - Male (Pre- or Early Puberty) - Nationwide Children's The relative size ratio of cervix to uterus is 2:1 in a child. The most common gynecologic condition of children is vulvovaginitis . Instructing patients to use nonmedicated, nonscented wipes rather than toilet paper may prevent the self-inoculation of the vagina with small pieces of toilet paper, which can initiate a chronic discharge. In a primary care setting, nonspecific vulvovaginitis accounts for the majority of vulvovaginitis cases. The entire exam takes about only 5 minutes. Positive identification of gonorrhea or chlamydia in a child with premenarcheal vulvovaginitis is considered diagnostic of sexual abuse. Although rare, it isimportant to recognize sarcoma botryoides, or embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma.Such a tumor can present as a lower abdominal mass or as vaginal bleedingor passage of part of the tumor. This places the teen in control of the tempo and allows her to anticipate the next element of the examination. When indicated, both vaginoscopy and hysteroscopy procedures can be performed by a pediatric and adolescent gynecologist at Childrens Hospital Colorado. Each adolescent is at a different stage of development, and the approach to the examination may require variations that fit her developmental stage . It is importantto be aware that the gynecologic examination can influence her future attitudetoward gynecologic care. After you have established a rapport with the child and taken her history,you should explain the gynecologic examination to both the child and herparent. This will give the child a sense of control and divert the childs attention if she is ticklish or is squirming. So this is the scariest picture weve got! Vaginal orcervical polyps or tumors also can present with symptoms of vaginitis. Vaginalagenesis is characterized by thick vestibular tissue, and often there isa dimple surrounded by a vulvar depression where the hymen should be.6, Acquired hymenal abnormalities usually are caused by sexual abuse andrarely by accidental trauma. Contemporary Pediatrics Resident Writer Program, Food Insecurity and the Dangers of Infant Formula Dilution, Getting into the Roots of Childhood Atopic Dermatitis, Opt-Out Chlamydia Screening in Adolescent Care, The Role of the Healthcare Provider Community in Increasing Public Awareness of RSV in All Infants, Choose article sectionPrinciples of gynecologic assessmentTaking the historyBeginning the examinationExamining the external genitaliaExamining the vaginaConcluding the examinationSIDEBAR: Common gynecologic findings in the prepubertal girlVulvovaginitisVaginal bleedingLabial adhesions, | Obstetrics-Gynecology & Women's Health, | Contemporary Pediatrics Resident Writer Program, | Food Insecurity and the Dangers of Infant Formula Dilution, | Getting into the Roots of Childhood Atopic Dermatitis, | Opt-Out Chlamydia Screening in Adolescent Care, | The Role of the Healthcare Provider Community in Increasing Public Awareness of RSV in All Infants, | Update in Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccines. This is often the most distressing aspect of the examination and may be omitted, depending on the childs symptoms. Observation alone is appropriate for small adhesions. Managing vulvovaginitis. At the end of the examination, use your fingerto "milk" the vagina and assess for discharge or, very rarely,polypoid tumors. Topics for the pediatric nurse practitioner to be aware of. How to Perform a Vaginal Self-Exam - Verywell Health One excellent technique is for the physician to sit, not stand, during the initial encounter. If you still cannot locate a hymenal opening, the child mayhave an imperforate hymen or vaginal agenesis. Includes speculum and bimanual exams. Heavy menstrual bleeding frequently interferes with a patients physical, social and emotional health and negatively impacts their quality of life. Thegynecologic examination of the prepubertal child can be challenging, butit can also be quite rewarding for a clinician who understands the uniqueanatomic and physiologic characteristics of a prepubertal child and approachesthe examination with patience, gentleness, and respect. The genital examination of the infant through adolescence.Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 1993;5:753, 11. Breast budding is a reliable sign that the vaginal pH is shifting to an acidic environment. Loose-fitting cotton undergarments should be worn. From Pierce AM, Hart CA. A mounding of hymeneal tissue is often called a bump. Vaginoscopy is a diagnostic procedure that can be used to evaluate the inside of the vagina and is recommended for girls who are too young for a speculum exam or cannot tolerate one. Treatment for extensivelabial adhesions is topical estrogen cream applied along the adhesion withgentle pressure twice a day for three weeks, then at bedtime for three weeks.Once the adhesion has resolved, a barrier ointment should be used to preventrecurrence. New patient encounter videos allow you to practice your clinical reasoning skills and review for exams. Obtaining a history from a child is not an easy process. Many if not most of these conditions may eventually require an examination to determine the cause of the problem. 12 red rubber bladder catheter for the outer catheter and the hub end of an intravenous butterfly catheter for the inner catheter ( Fig. When alone withan examiner, a child may disclose abuse or other concerns, and allowingher to be interviewed or examined alone may give her a greater sense ofcontrol and responsibility for her own health. Local anesthesia of the vestibule may be obtained with 2% topical viscous lidocaine (Xylocaine) or longer-acting products such as lidocaine/prilocaine cream. Pay special attention to anatomic and pathophysiologic differences in the child. Will the Healing Touch Go Out the Door With the Stethoscope? After the newborn period, when the uterus is enlarged becauseof maternal estrogen effect, your examination should reveal a small, button-likecervix and uterus. After you have examined the external genitalia, you should visualizethe vagina if the child complains of discharge or bleeding that may be vaginalin origin, or if you suspect a tumor, ectopic ureter, or vaginal foreignbody.6 In premenarchal girls, the vagina is 4 to 5 cm long withthin, red epithelium. This is a difficult decision and is based on the extent of the childs anxiety in relation to the severity of the clinical symptoms. The outer catheter serves as an insulator, and the inner catheter is used to instill a small amount of saline and aspirate into the vaginal fluid. A complete examination includes inspection of the external genitalia,visualization of the vagina and cervix, and rectoabdominal palpation. 12.1 , B ). Emphasize that the most important part of the examination is just looking and that there will be conversation during the entire process. This short 1958 educational film from the American Cancer Society shows how to perform a routine pelvic examination and cytologic test for the detection of cancer of the uterus. A helpful technique is to place the childs hand on top of the physicians hand as the abdominal examination is being performed and to give her some choices, such as having a doll, an electronic tablet, or a toy with her. Macleod's Physical Examination - Head, Eyes and Ears Examination - OSCE Guide 2017. In this video, Tricia Huguelet, MD, provides an overview of normal menstrual flow, screening for heavy menstrual flow in teens, and identifying red flags for an underlying bleeding disorder. In this video, adolescent gynecologist Eliza Buyers, MD, reviews options for menstrual suppression, how they work, and various considerations for teens with complex medical issues. This is to help girls understand that there is a doctor dedicated to their reproductive health. The relative size ratio of cervix to uterus is 2:1 in a child, in contrast to the opposite ratio in an adult. Vulvovaginitis: causes and management. Stanford Medicine 25 Clinical Pearl Award, Measuring Central Venous Pressure with the Arm, Resident Education: Internist Physical Exams, Body as Text: Teaching Physical Examination Skills | Stanford Medicine 25. Dealing with a foreign body. Most episodes of childhood vulvovaginitis are cured solely by improved local hygiene. The second phase of the examination involves evaluation of the vagina . The hymen of a prepubertal child exhibits a diverse range of normal variations and configurations ( Fig. Excoriations are common, and lesions in other areas of thebody or a history of allergy or atopy may help in making the diagnosis.Psoriasis, scabies, and autoimmune bullous diseases also can present asvulvovaginitis. Referral to a gynecologistis warranted if a child has an acute urinary retention or persistent completeadhesions not responding to office therapies. When a child has vaginal discharge or bleeding andthe source (such as a foreign body) is not obvious, obtain samples for cultureand saline preparation. In this. If a child's symptoms are severe,a one- to four-week course of a moderate-potency ointment can be recommended,followed by a lower-potency preparation. In addition to your doctor, there will be a nurse or an assistant in the room during . In severe cases, clobetasol (Temovate)may be useful, applied twice daily for two weeks and then gradually taperedover the next several weeks, but this requires expertise and careful supervisionwith frequent follow-up. A complete vaginal evaluation should never be performed under duress or by force; to avoid this, sedation can be used when performing this examination on children. In this video, Chief of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Tricia Huguelet, MD, discusses the epidemiology, clinical features and management of ovarian cysts that may occur during the fetal and neonatal periods, and on through adolescence. Stanford Medicine 25 Skills Symposium 2015, Approach to Spinal Disease by Dr. Rick Hodes. Prepubertal vulvovaginopathies. The normal vagina of a prepubertal child is colonized by an average of nine different species of bacteria: four aerobic and facultative anaerobic species and five obligatory anaerobic species. In this setting it may be helpful to use the extinction phenomenon, in which the examiner provides pressure on the perineum lateral to the introitus before insertion of the speculum. Many gynecologic conditions in children can be diagnosed by inspection alone. Palpate the abdomen for masses and the inguinal areasfor a hernia or gonad. Inspect her for pubic hair and note the condition of the urethra,size of the clitoris, any signs of estrogenization, configuration of thehymen, and perineal hygiene. Female Pelvic Exam. It is important to give the child a sense that she will be in control of the examination process. Sarah's Physical Exam with Pelvic Exam - YouTube These are the organs related to your monthly menstrual cycles, to sexual activity, and to pregnancy and childbirth. A parent may stay in the room during the exam if the child does not mind ( Picture 1 ). Dr. Abraham-Vergheses-TED-Talk:-Over-one-million-views! Beforeinserting the Calgiswab, allow the child to feel a similar swab on her skin.If the Calgiswab does not touch the edges of the hymen, it should causethe child no discomfort. During the physical examination, including rectal examination, of the prepubertal child, no pelvic masses except the cervix should be palpable. The atrophymay distort the anatomy of the labia and clitoris. McCann J, Wells R, Simon M, et al: Genital findings in prepubertalgirls selected for nonabuse: A descriptive study. Includes menu so you can select the portion of the video most applicable to you. A girl who has nonspecific vaginitis shouldbe counseled to do the following: (1) practice good perineal hygiene; (2)urinate with her knees spread apart; (3) wear white cotton underpants andloose clothing; (4) take sitz baths once or twice a day; (5) avoid irritantssuch as bubble bath and use hypoallergenic soaps; and (6) apply a barrierointment such as A and D, Vaseline, or Desitin to the perineum. In the period surrounding the time of puberty, children often develop a physiologic discharge secondary to the increase in circulating estrogen levels. Sometimes doctors do pelvic exams if they think there's a problem. Pokorny SF. The vagina will then fill with air, aiding the evaluation. Signs of acute trauma from sexual abuse includehematomas, abrasions, lacerations, hymenal transections, and vulvar erythema.These conditions usually resolve within ten to fourteen days. Whenever possible, addressquestions directly to the child. Capraro VJ, Capraro EJ: Vaginal aspirate studies in children. She also discusses the preferred diagnostic modality and when to consider surgery. Occasionally,a narrow vaginal speculum can be used in an older child who is well estrogenized.10,11. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1987;156:581. Vaginal foreign bodiesare a common cause of bleeding, but children often are reluctant to admitto foreign body insertion. 12.3 ). You may need a pelvic exam sooner if you are experiencing problems with your period or have other symptoms, including: Pain in your lower abdomen or pelvic area. . You can also ask the child to cough in order todistract her and cause her hymen to open. The evaluation of young girls is age dependent. Learn how doctors should perform a bedside swallow evaluation! Watch the video to learn the differences between primary and second dysmenorrhea and how to diagnose and treat endometriosis. Most cases involve an irritation of the vulvar epithelium by normal rectal flora or chemical irritants . They schedule and bill separately for their services, and are not employees of the Hospital. If a child is scheduled to be seen in the middle of a busy clinic, the staff needs to be alerted that the pace and general routine will be different during her visit. Cystic ovarian masses commonly occur in infants, children and adolescents. They may be discovered by means of a flashlight or by dabbing of the vulvar skin with clear cellophane adhesive tape, ideally before the child has arisen in the morning. Chemicals that may be allergens or irritants, such as bubble bath, must be discontinued, and harsh soaps and chemicals should be avoided. The film opens with a woman sitting in an office of a physician. Other findings includeecchymoses and "blood blisters," which often develop after mildtrauma such as riding a bicycle. Finding the source of this pain in adolescent females and diagnosing the condition can also be particularly challenging. Gynecologic diseases are uncommon in children, especially compared with the incidence and prevalence of diseases in women of reproductive age. Approximately 20% of female children infected with pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis) develop vulvovaginitis. Clinical manifestations includepruritus, vaginal discharge and odor, vaginal bleeding, dysuria, and vulvarredness and irritation. If vaginalcultures are not needed, lidocaine jelly can be used to decrease the child'sdiscomfort. What Stands in the Way of Bedside Teaching? Your job will be easier if you adopt a relaxedand unhurried approach, which can help prevent anxiety in a child. The majority of cases of persistent or recurrent nonspecific vulvovaginitis respond to improved hygiene and treatment of irritation resulting from trauma or irritating substances. You might have a pelvic exam as part of your regular checkup. Position the patient at the very edge of the exam table, with her feet in stirrups, knees bent and relaxed out to the side. Gidwani GP. ObstetGynecol 1971;37:462, 13. Lichen sclerosus may present as vulvar discomfort or pruritus.It is characterized by atrophy of the vulvar skin, which causes the labiaand clitoral hood to appear thin, white, and parchment-like. This includes feeling a girl's uterus and ovaries to be sure everything's normal. They may ask for their mothers to be there, be fearful of the examination concept, and need more than one visit to achieve the goals of the visit. Urethral prolapse also can present with bleeding. An ectopic ureter can present as persistent wetnessor purulent discharge. Obtaining cultures. The child lies prone and places her buttocks in the air with legs wide apart. Teens don't usually get pelvic exams. A vaginal self-examination is a way to look at your vulva and vagina to better understand your body and to spot problems that may need medical attention. Female Urethral Catheterization Male Urethral Catheterization Female Genital Exam Male Genital Exam Don't forget to watch the Why Urology video!

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pediatric pelvic exam video